Bad Ass Cars

Bad Ass Yota!"

Bad Ass Yota!

This Yota monster belongs to Bob Ortiz out of Willits. He runs his truck regularly in the mud bogs at state and couty fairs and got tired of being beat so out came his old V-8 and in went a little Bad-Ass 350 with some seriously ported cast iron heads, a very stout cam, some TRW slugs and a few other tried and true goodies.

Since the installation of our engine, Bob has ran in 7 races including Napa, Lakeport, Sonora, Ukiah and several other's and has placed 1st in three races against 60 or so other V-8's in his class, 2nd in three other races, and 3rd in one race. Not bad considering he's going against nitroused big blocks and very expensive small blocks, plus he drives his bad boy on the street everyday and it runs on plain old pump gas. You gotta love that!

Bad Ass Yota!

Shreddin' the tires!

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